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Is There Any Way To Decrease Hair Loss While On Testosterone (TRT)?

Is There Any Way To Decrease Hair Loss While On Testosterone (TRT)?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has become a popular therapy among men, and women as well, to address some unpleasant side effects that are commonly experienced with aging. Men and women are flooded by pharmaceutical marketing campaigns that promise to deliver youthful results, such as an increased sex drive and more energy. While the benefits of TRT have been touted across radio channels and TV ads, the potential risks and unpleasant side effects associated with TRT have been left in the dust. Indeed, a common side effect of synthetic testosterone is hair loss, which can be detrimental to your image and self-confidence. If you are on TRT or thinking about TRT, make sure you are aware of side effects like hair loss and learn how to manage them so that you get the most out of your testosterone therapy.

What is TRT?

Testosterone levels naturally decline in both men and women as they age. However, some people may have even lower levels of testosterone than what may be considered normal for their age. Many men (and some women too) seek TRT to treat unpleasant symptoms they cannot connect with other conditions. Some studies have shown that replacing low testosterone with synthetic forms of the hormone can reverse and improve many frustrating conditions. TRT is used to treat:

  • Decrease sex drive
  • Difficulty maintaining erections
  • Decreased spontaneous erections
  • Loss of bone and muscle mass
  • Increased body fat
  • Fatigue
  • Lowered self-confidence
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Breast tenderness and hot flashes (especially in women)

If you are on TRT or seeking treatment with TRT for the above symptoms, it is important that you are aware of possible risks and side effects. Possible risks of TRT include:

  • Infertility due to low sperm count
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Death from heart disease

People with a history of breast or prostate cancer should not use TRT. Side effects of TRT can include:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Urinary frequency and urgency from an enlarged prostate
  • High red blood cell counts
  • Hair loss

While many pharmaceutical companies, low T clinics, and consumers alike claim TRT for low testosterone is the fountain of youth, the frustrating side effect of hair loss can certainly dampen the benefits of TRT.  

How does TRT cause hair loss?

The most common causes of hair loss are usually rooted in genetics, stress on your body, and hormones. Sometimes, it can be unclear which factor is causing your hair loss, even when you are on TRT. Many people who take TRT begin therapy at an age when genetic hair loss becomes quite pronounced. Androgenic alopecia, which is also called male or female patterned baldness, is a genetic condition that usually results in noticeable hair loss around middle age. However, people with this genetic can also experience hair loss as early as their teens and early twenties. If you have androgenic alopecia and are taking TRT, it is important to note that TRT can worsen your hair loss.

The relationship between hair loss and testosterone is complex and there are many questions awaiting a scientific explanation. DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is an androgen or male sex hormone that helps develop male sex characteristics. This hormone is made from testosterone with the help of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. Along with developing male sex characteristics including a deep voice, increased body hair, larger muscle mass, and supporting sexual health and function, DHT can also cause hair loss.

DHT causes hair loss because it shrinks hair follicles. When you have higher levels of free testosterone circulating in your bloodstream, it can also increase the amount of DHT in your body. Therefore, this increase in DHT targets hair follicles in your skin. Consequently, people who take TRT may experience hair loss because of higher levels of DHT circulating in their bloodstream.

Is it possible to decrease hair loss while on TRT?


If you want the benefits of TRT without the side effect of hair loss, there are solutions to help keep your hair on your head. Indeed, having more energy, an increased libido, greater muscle mass, and significant improvement in your mood are just a few reasons why taking TRT can help improve your quality of life. However, hair loss from taking TRT can certainly dampen the positive effects of this therapy. Because decreasing systemic testosterone to prevent hair loss would negate the purpose of taking TRT, the best hair loss prevention strategies for people on TRT are aimed at treating and strengthening the hair follicle itself.

The best solutions to prevent hair loss from testosterone are those that block the effects of DHT in the hair follicle. Many people turn to minoxidil (Rogaine) because it is widely available to consumers and it stimulates hair growth. However, minoxidil does not carry the essential ingredients that block DHT.

There are certain ingredients that have been proven to block DHT. When applied to your scalp, caffeine has the ability to combat and reverse the effects of DHT in your hair follicles. Ketoconazole, which is an antifungal, has also been shown to fight the conversion of testosterone to DHT. When applied topically, ketoconazole not only fights DHT at the site of the hair follicle but also prevents fungal infections that can occur around the hair follicle and cause baldness. Azelaic acid is another compound that inhibits DHT conversion from testosterone by targeting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

All of these essential ingredients for preventing hair loss from TRT are found in the Spectral.DNC-N product from DS Laboratories. What makes this product superior to others in fighting hair loss from TRT is that the Spectral.DNC-N line not only combines essential DHT-blocking agents such as caffeine, ketoconazole, and azelaic acid, but it delivers these ingredients using cutting-edge nanosome technology.

Spectral.DNC-N holds the key to effectively stopping hair loss from TRT because it contains Nanoxidil. This compound is a vasodilator like minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine. However, Nanoxidil is a powerful vasodilator with high efficacy and low molecular weight. It has the power to flood your scalp with oxygen and nutrients by opening ion channels around your hair follicles. Furthermore, it prolongs the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, thereby preventing your hair from falling out.

To effectively combat hair loss from TRT, armor yourself with the best products on the market to stop hair loss from DHT. The Spectral.DNC-N line contains 8+ active DHT-blocking agents with no side effects. Pair this twice-daily, non-greasy solution with shampoos that also block DHT including the Revita and Revita.CBD lines. By enriching your scalp and hair follicles with the latest technology in hair growth, hair loss from TRT will no longer be a side effect that threatens to dampen the life-changing improvements that can be found in restoring testosterone levels in your body.

Compare using Rogaine (Minoxidil) vs. Spectral.DNC-N (Nanoxidil) here.


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