5 Ways Stress Affects Your Hair & What To Do About It

5 Ways Stress Affects Your Hair & What To Do About It

Have you felt the negative effects of extreme stress lately? You’re not alone. The American Institute of Stress reports that over half of all Americans feel stressed during the day. A Gallup poll shows that Americans are some of the most stressed-out people in the world. Some of this stress comes from the workplace, while some of it stems from family or personal problems.

No matter what triggers your stress, it’s bound to have an effect on your body over time if you don’t learn how to handle it in healthy ways. Chronic stress doesn’t just affect the way you feel, either. It also has an impact on how you look. Here are five ways stress affects your hair, and what you can do about it.

It Contributes to Premature Graying

When it comes to how quickly your hair turns gray, your genetics play a huge role. If you’re genetically predisposed to graying early, there isn’t a lot you can do to prevent it. But did you know stress could potentially trigger gray hair to set in early as well? It turns out that when your mom used to say you were giving her gray hair, she was probably right!

Studies show that the same type of nerve responsible for the fight-or-flight response is also responsible for your hair growth. When affected by ongoing stress, damage to this type of nerve can also cause irreversible damage to the hair follicles’ pigment-regenerating stem cells. In other words, when your body is constantly in a fight-or-flight state induced by stress, the cells that stimulate pigment regeneration in your hair may stop functioning. When that happens, your hair will start to gray.

The Solution: If your hair is graying prematurely and you’re under a lot of stress, the best thing you can do is figure out how to minimize stress in your life. This might mean taking time to meditate every day, exercise regularly and eat healthier. You might also need to take more drastic measures, such as getting a lower-stress job or moving into a smaller home so you have less of a financial burden. You may also want to schedule an appointment with your doctor to see if medication can help you manage your symptoms.

It Causes the Hair to Fall Out

Does your hair feel thinner and patchier when you’re under a lot of stress? This probably isn’t a coincidence. Stress can be a contributing factor to different types of hair loss, including alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. The former occurs when the body attacks its own hair follicles, and the latter disturbs the normal hair cycle.

Research shows that increased daily stress is a key factor behind the development of telogen effluvium. Studies also suggest that in some cases of alopecia areata, decreasing stress may help relieve symptoms.

The Solution: Losing large amounts of hair at once can be alarming. Fortunately, there are things you can do to slow down hair loss. In addition to addressing the root cause of your hair loss (stress), you can also start using hair care treatments that assist with hair growth. For best results, choose products that don’t come with unpleasant side effects

It Hurts the Skin on Your Scalp

Have you ever tried growing a garden in poor-quality soil? If you were able to grow any produce at all, it probably didn’t taste as good as it would have if planted in quality soil. The same is true for your hair. In order to grow healthy, strong locks, you need to have a healthy, strong scalp.

Unfortunately, stress is known to affect the skin all over your body—including on your head. Chronic inflammation goes hand-in-hand with chronic stress. Over time, inflammation can lead to hives, rashes, dry skin or pain. These negative symptoms can occur anywhere on your body and may affect your scalp. If the skin on your head becomes damaged by excessive stress, your hair follicles may be harmed as well. This could result in patchy hair growth, hair loss or even thinner hair strands.

The Solution: If stress is damaging your hair follicles, fight back. There are hair-stimulating products, including Our top-selling Revita Shampoo and Conditioner, that can protect against follicular dysfunction and potentially stop or reverse hair loss.

It Weakens Your Hair

Weak hair is more prone to split ends and breakage. It’s also more likely to fall out easily. The bad news is that too much stress can disrupt the hormones involved with hair growth. When this happens, your hair is more likely to become frail and susceptible to damage. It’s also more likely to look dull and lack its usual vibrance.

The good news is that you’re not powerless to get your strong, vibrant hair back. Taking a multivitamin each day can deliver the nutrients your body needs to create strong hair strands. If you suspect a hormone imbalance is to blame for your thin hair, consider having your hormone levels tested by a doctor. If the tests reveal an imbalance, you may be able to correct it with medication, supplementation, or by simply changing your lifestyle.

The Solution: In addition to correcting your hormone levels, there are products you can apply to your scalp and hair to strengthen them. Our Revita.CBD Shampoo product is specially formulated to fight thinning and fortify your hair so it grows in thick and strong.

It Can Cause You to Pull Out Your Hair

Too much stress can cause you to do strange things, including pulling your own hair out. While not everyone responds to stress in this way, some people do. If you experience irresistible urges to tear the hair from your scalp, eyebrows or anywhere else, you may have a disorder called Trichotillomania.

Though it’s not known exactly what causes trichotillomania, research shows that stress and anxiety may be contributing factors. When you feel extremely stressed and anxious, you’re less likely to maintain control over your impulses and are more likely to form habits that may not be healthy.

The Solution: If you can’t stop pulling your own hair out, minimize your stress levels immediately. If you still can’t stop the behavior, schedule an appointment with your psychiatrist as soon as possible. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help you control your impulses better. You can also work to regrow your hair by taking Revita tablets, which can fortify and stimulate your hair.

Take Control of Your Hair Health

When you’re under a lot of stress, you may feel a complete lack of control. But there are things you can do to regain control over your life, your mental health and your hair health. In addition to seeking professional help whenever necessary, you can also make lifestyle changes to keep stress at bay. If possible, choose a profession you enjoy. Ideally, it should be one that doesn’t work you to the bone or cause anxiety. Eating healthy and exercising can also help balance your hormones so you’re more able to deal with normal daily stressors.

Finally, you can do much to combat stress-related hair issues by investing in products that stop hair loss and help your locks grow in strong, thick and healthy. At DS Laboratories, we have many hair-centered products that can fortify hair growth and help undo the damage caused by stress.


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