Hair loss/shedding can occur when the normal hair growth cycle is disrupted. Various factors can contribute to hair loss like:
agingAs a consequence of aging, it is natural to lose key components like nutrients that support strength for hair growth.
geneticsIt is common to inherit a genetic predisposition to hair loss or pattern baldness, hormones play a big factor in this specially (DHT) dihydrotestosterone a hormone that affects hair thinning by causing hair follicles to shrink.
stress & lifestyleDifferent stress causes can be triggering for hair loss, stress is a factor that can cause the hair to stop the growth phase and remain for long cycles in the rest stage, causing the body to receive mixed signals and stop growth accelerating hair shedding. Lifestyle on the other hand like alcohol consumption or poor sleep cycles can weaken hair follicles and their ability to produce hair.
metabolism & nutritionChanges in diet can be a factor that affects metabolism, nutrition is a determinant factor to provide the adequate nutrients to power hair follicles to grow.

how we target
We use L-cysteine that is a critical amino acid, which promotes the synthesis of new proteins that are lost as a factor of aging, plus Nanoxidil as our renowned ingredient to support hair regrowth.

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