This Tool Is The Secret To Combatting Acne Scarring

This Tool Is The Secret To Combatting Acne Scarring

Nearly everyone experiences acne at some point in their life. Whether you are in your teenage years, experiencing hormonal shifts (like postpartum and menopause), or struggling with adult acne, those blemishes never happen at a good time. Aside from the disruptions they can inflict on your physical appearance, acne can also be painful and leave permanent scarring.


Treating damaged skin from acne is essential to help with skin repair and combat future outbreaks. Curious about the best way to heal your skin after acne? Then you will want to learn about the dermaroller, which will surely be one of the most important tools in your skin care regime.

What Is a Dermaroller?

A dermaroller is a skincare tool that performs microneedling of the upper layers of the skin. This handheld device has hundreds of minute needles attached to a roller that glides over the surface of the skin. These tiny needles create micro-punctures or micro-traumas in the skin to stimulate wound healing and produce new skin cells. Interestingly, these devices are not only helpful in rejuvenating your skin, but they can also stimulate hair regrowth on your scalp!

How Does Dermarolling Combat Acne?

People who are prone to acne struggle with skin repair when they have acne. Unfortunately, acne damages your skin, and even when your skin begins to heal, the tissues do not always heal fully after a blemish. Thus, many people are often left with skin discoloration and scarring.


Dermarolling is one of the most effective ways to get a jumpstart on rejuvenating the upper layers of the skin. While it may seem counterintuitive to intentionally damage the skin, creating micro-traumas with the needles encourages your skin to start a healthy tissue repair process. The following happens when you use a dermaroller:


  • Tiny micro-channels are created in the skin that direct blood flow, nutrients, and reparative cells to heal and promote the growth of healthy, fresh skin.


  • Collagen and elastin production increases to help fill in the skin, providing more firmness and fullness to your skin.


  • Decreases the appearance of scarring and hyperpigmentation that is often left behind after a blemish.


  • Reduces the size of pores, which can become enlarged in people prone to acne.


  • Micro-channels allow your skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin, thus providing more benefits than products that only sit on your skin’s surface.

Advantages of Treating Acne with a Dermaroller

Now that you know how dermarolling effectively replaces damaged skin cells with healthy cells, let’s look at some other benefits of using a dermaroller. If you have struggled with acne off and on, you probably have tried numerous different avenues to get a grip on this frustrating skin condition.


Perhaps you have tried harsh skin abrasions, chemical peels, or oral and topical medications. Or maybe you have done regular facials or invested in make-up that hides acne. Most treatment options for acne are often expensive, time-consuming, and painful. Not to mention, many forms of treatment also have side effects.

Dermarolling Has the Following Benefits

It is painless. Thinking about hundreds of tiny needles poking your skin at one time may make you feel weak in the knees. But dermarolling is actually painless, especially when done correctly.


It does not discolor your skin. Many acne treatments change your skin color through bleaching or by making your skin ruddier. When you use a dermaroller, your skin may briefly redden because of the increased blood flow directed toward your skin for tissue repair. However, increased blood flow is a key part of how a dermaroller works, but fortunately, it does not leave your skin permanently red like other treatments.


It is affordable. You can sink so much money into your skin, especially when treating conditions like acne. Dermarollers are often inexpensive and can reduce your skincare costs in the long run.


It has the added bonus of stimulating hair growth (in the places you want). Dermarollers not only combat acne and help to prevent early signs of aging, but they can also stimulate hair growth when used on the scalp. If you intend to use a dermaroller for hair growth stimulation, you will want to shop for the appropriate size for use on your scalp. Don’t worry: you won’t grow hair on your forehead if you use a dermaroller for acne!

Other Things to Consider When Treating Acne

According to the Mayo Clinic, acne is caused by four main factors: excess sebum (oil) production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, and inflammation. Certainly, other factors may contribute, including some health conditions, hormone fluctuations, stress, diet, medications, and skin hygiene. When it comes to treating acne, it is crucial to understand what is causing your particular case.


You may want to consult your dermatologist if you are struggling with recurrent blemishes or scarring. Additionally, it is essential to use the right products on your skin, especially when using a dermaroller.

What to Look for in a Dermaroller for Acne

Not all dermarollers are created equal. They come in different sizes (lengths), composition, sharpness, and sterility. Therefore, you will want to be selective when shopping for this device. You can find very inexpensive dermarollers at major online retailers, but often these devices have dull needles and are not made with high-grade metals.


To treat acne, look for a dermaroller that is not bigger than 0.3mm in length, as any longer will cause too much damage to your skin on your face. There are longer needle lengths, such as 0.5mm and 1.0mm, but these are intended for use on your scalp for hair regrowth.

How to Use Your Dermaroller

Using a dermaroller is pretty straightforward. You will want to run it over the area you are performing microneedling on about ten times in every direction (left, right, top, bottom, and diagonally). Ensure your skin is tight as you use the dermaroller and avoid dragging the dermaroller, as dragging can make the punctures too large. Follow your treatment with a nice facial serum with ingredients naturally found in your skin (like vitamin C).


Here are a few tips you will want to keep in mind to get the most out of this skincare device.


  • Do NOT use it daily. A dermaroller is not beneficial if used every day. You need to allow your skin time to heal and repair in between uses. Generally, it is best to use it at most twice a week if you are using a 0.3mm dermaroller.


  • Do NOT make it painful. Dermarolling should not cause any bleeding or pain. If it does hurt, you are likely causing more harm than good, and it will be counterproductive. With that in mind, it is normal to see some mild redness and inflammation right after using your dermaroller.


  • Sanitize with each use. You will want to sanitize your dermaroller every time you use it to prevent skin infections. Additionally, it is wise to sanitize it before use as well. You can cleanse your dermaroller in rubbing alcohol for 15 minutes before and after using it. Also, while this may be self-explanatory, do not share your dermaroller with anyone else.


  • Prep your skin. Make sure your skin is clean and make-up free before using the dermaroller so that you are not introducing unhealthy ingredients and bacteria into the skin punctures.


  • Avoid using on active acne. The dermaroller should only be applied to skin that is currently intact. If you have an active blemish, go around it during your sessions until it is healed. If you use it over active acne, it may introduce and spread infection, making it worse.


Dermarolling can offer so many benefits. From stimulating hair regrowth, preventing aging, treating acne, healing scarred, damaged skin (including from the sun), and correcting texture and pigmentation issues, dermarollers are a must-have device in your beauty regime. Shop for yours at DS Laboratories, or find the perfect StimuROLLER for your needs here.  

The Ideal Length For Acne Scarring

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