Is Crown Hair Slower To Regrow?

Is Crown Hair Slower To Regrow?

Hair loss is a widespread issue among men. Two-thirds of men experience some hair loss by the time they reach age 35. And by age 50, nearly 85% of men have severe hair thinning. And surprisingly, women make up 40% of all hair loss cases in America. While hair loss can happen at any age, it becomes more common as we get older.

Patterns of hair loss can differ from person to person and by whether you are male or female. Both men and women can suffer from hair loss on the crown of their head. Losing hair on this area of your scalp can be difficult to treat, partly because it is hard to see the early signs of hair loss in this region. No matter what kind of hair loss you are experiencing, it is essential that you start treating it as early as possible.

What are the different patterns of baldness?


Male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, is the primary cause of hair loss in men. Because it is usually the result of genetics and your family history, it can be challenging to avoid. Men with androgenic alopecia often have dysfunctional levels of their androgens, or male sex hormones, that interfere and suppress hair growth. There are three key ways male pattern baldness takes over your head: through a receding hairline, overall thinning of your hair, and hair loss on the crown (or top) of your head.


Female pattern baldness is quite similar to male pattern baldness, but the actual pattern of hair loss is different. Women tend to have overall hair thinning, and their hair follicles become finer. Hair loss is often noticeable on a woman’s part, or the crown of her head, and near the temples. Female pattern baldness is usually hereditary and often starts after menopause when female sex hormones decline significantly. Sometimes, endocrine conditions such as hypothyroidism and autoimmune conditions can cause hair loss.

Compared to other patterns of hair loss, is crown hair slower to regrow?


The majority of people would prefer to keep their hair on their heads. After all, our hair is a large part of how we portray our personalities and can play a significant role in our overall self-confidence and self-identity. Therefore, most people seek out strategies to regrow their hair when they notice hair loss.


For people with crown hair loss, it can feel like it takes longer to regrow in this region because we often don’t notice hair loss in this area as quickly as we might on the frontal surfaces of our scalp. For example, we are more likely to catch thinning hair around our temples or hairline because that is what we see in the mirror every day. Consequently, we are slower to treat crown hair loss, which can indeed make crown hair slower to regrow.

What should I do if I notice hair loss on the crown of my head?


The best thing you can do with any pattern of hair loss is to take action against it as soon as possible. If you have a family history of male or female pattern baldness, assess your entire head of hair routinely to make sure you are not missing any thinning in the hard-to-see areas of your scalp.


If you do notice hair loss, there are several steps you can take to regrow your hair.


Avoid harsh hair styling treatments - Regular (and even temporary) styling treatments can wreak havoc on your scalp. To keep the hair that you do still have on your head, be kind to your follicles. Frequent shampooing, hair dying, hot irons, permanents, and even tight hairstyles can worsen hair loss and prolong hair regrowth.  

Decrease stressors - Stressful events and consistently high levels of stress can worsen hair loss and prevent regrowth. People often temporarily lose a significant amount of hair when they experience physical, mental, or emotional stress. For example, it is common for people to lose hair after surgery, trauma, loss of a loved one, or even a significant life event. Hair loss from stress tends to regrow once the stressor resolves. Even if you haven’t had severe physical or mental stress, consistent stress in your everyday life can prevent hair regrowth.

Nurture your hair - Use high-quality hair products that are designed to strengthen your existing hair and stimulate hair regrowth. Many hair brands claim to do these things, but few actually contain the essential ingredients to reverse hair loss. Look for products that include:

  • Agents that block DHT, or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is one of the leading causes of male pattern hair loss. Azelaic acid (can be found in DNC-N) can block the conversion of follicular testosterone to DHT in your hair follicles.

  • Ingredients that stimulate hair growth including adenosine, caffeine, and retinol

  • Compounds that prevent the overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia, which is a common culprit of hair loss

  • Anti-inflammatory agents including azelaic acid and TriCopper peptides


Nourish your hair - Just like our bodies, our hair also needs the right nutrients for growth. Hair loss can also be a sign that you are deficient in certain key nutrients. If you are struggling to regrow hair on the crown of your head, don’t forget the power of a healthy diet. Make sure to eat foods rich in protein, magnesium, iron, zinc, and vitamin D. For example, zinc is found in several protein-rich foods, including lean meat, seafood, whole grains, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Supplements that aim to help hair growth can also give you that extra leg up to reduce fallout. You can shop for supplements specifically marketed to people with hair loss. However, many of these supplements do not contain the essential ingredients necessary to regrow your hair. Consider trying the Revita Nutraceutical Tablets for Hair Growth Support.


Try over-the-counter hair regrowth products - Minoxidil, (commonly known as Rogaine), has been around since the 1950s and has helped many people restore hair on their head. However, hair regrowth technology has seen significant advancements, especially in recent years. A newer hair regrowth compound called Nanoxidil is a potent topical treatment for hair loss that suppresses DHT, opens cellular ion channels in follicles, prevents perifollicular fibrosis, increases endothelial growth factors, and prevents chronic inflammation. Products with nanosome technology can deliver these substances more effectively compared to older chemical compounds. Compare Nanoxidil vs. Minoxidil here.


Consult a dermatologist - Male and female-pattern baldness are often slow to develop and gradually worsen over time. Consider meeting with a doctor that specializes in hair loss to learn about the medical management of androgenic alopecia. Sometimes, a doctor may recommend finasteride, which is a prescriptive medication for men that can help regrow hair. As with any medication, finasteride does carry side effects, including sexual dysfunction, which can decrease your quality of life. Also, you will continue to experience hair loss when you stop taking finasteride. Besides medication, your doctor can also run blood tests to see if you have any other health conditions that may contribute to your hair loss.



While crown hair can sometimes be slower to grow, technology and medicine continue to advance. Until we have a cure for male and female pattern hair loss, remember that early action is the best solution for any pattern and cause of hair loss.  


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