How to Fix a Widow’s Peak

How to Fix a Widow’s Peak

Widow’s peaks generally happen for two reasons: either you were born with it, and it is part of your genetic makeup, or you have some form of hair loss. There is little you can do for the former cause of a widow’s peak other than to conceal it with a great haircut. But fortunately for the latter, you can do quite a bit if you have hair loss that has resulted in a widow’s peak. Here, we share why widow’s peaks can show up in hair loss and how you can best recover your hairline.

Types of hair loss that cause widow’s peaks

Several different forms of hair loss can create a widow's peak. One of the most common causes of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern hair loss. Nearly 85% of men are susceptible to this type of hair loss, and it is also quite common in women as well. This condition usually becomes especially apparent by age 50 in both men and women, but it can start sooner, especially in men. There is still much to understand as to why androgenic alopecia even occurs, but it is likely due to your genetics, as it often runs in families.


Other causes of hair loss may range from medical conditions, hormone changes, stress, medications, and autoimmune diseases. Hormone changes are one of the most common reasons for women to have hair loss outside of androgenic alopecia. During times of significant hormone fluctuations such as pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause, women can experience a change in their hair density, volume, and texture.


Stress is also another very common reason that people may have changes to their hairline. For example, after significant stress, many people will find that their hair begins to shed at a more rapid rate, leaving them with thinner, finer hair. That said, hair loss from stress and sometimes hormones are usually temporary, whereas it can be permanent from other causes.

A bit more about androgenic alopecia

Androgenic alopecia deserves a little bit more attention here because it is the leading cause of receding hairlines in men. Indeed, it is the condition that gives many men that distinguishable V shape (that can look like a widow’s peak). Of course, androgenic alopecia can also cause thinning in other areas, including the crown of the head in men and above the temples in women.


This hair loss condition is thought to result from a sensitivity to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Essentially, exposure to DHT can cause hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop producing hair altogether. At first, you may find that your hair becomes finer. But over time, it will eventually start to thin out and cause bald spots unless treated. The term testosterone usually makes us think of men, but women also have this hormone and can also have DHT sensitivity.

What to do about a widow’s peak

Widow’s peaks can be extremely attractive and look good on many people, and keep in mind a good portion of the population naturally has one due to their genetics. So, if you have one, don’t feel that there is anything wrong with that. However, if you are starting to develop one because of hair loss, it's important to prevent further hair loss if you want to keep your hair and hairline.

Option 1: Remove the hair

Another cause behind the loss of hair pigmentation is vitamin deficiency. For example, deficiencies in B6, B12, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin E, and ferritin may cause early graying. Intriguingly, some studies show that replenishing the body with these nutrients through proper supplementation may help restore hair color. As of now, most other factors contributing to gray hair are irreversible, so more research is needed to understand exactly how proper nourishment can affect and alter hair color.

Option 2: Style your hair differently

Talk to your stylist about changing the way you wear your hair if you naturally have a widow’s peak or are taking proactive steps to regrow your hair. Indeed, some really great cuts can emphasize a widow’s peak in men, making it a very attractive feature of your face.

Option 3: Treat hair loss

If a widow’s peak is forming because of hair loss, the most important thing you can do is treat the hair loss with proven solutions like minoxidil and Nanoxidil. These topical agents stimulate hair growth by suppressing the effects of DHT on your hair follicles and increasing circulation on your scalp. Using shampoo systems and hair supplements that support growth is also an important step in curbing hair loss.


As a side note, if hair loss is not caused by androgenic alopecia but is rather the result of a medical condition, it is important to seek medical treatment, as treating the underlying cause will help spur hair growth to resume.

Option 4: Consider a hair transplant

If hair loss has become quite severe and topical agents do not help encourage new growth, a hair transplant may help reshape your hairline. Hair transplants are becoming more effective and affordable so consider looking into this option if other hair loss solutions have left you with poor results.

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