Hair Loss: Know the Causes and Symptoms

Hair Loss: Know the Causes and Symptoms

Hair loss can happen for a variety of reasons, affect all areas of the body and occur to varying extents. Regardless of the reason and nature of hair loss, however, one fact rings true for most who go through it: They want answers and, more importantly, they want solutions. If you want to stop or reverse your hair loss, you should first discuss with your doctor the possible causes. Once you get to the root of the condition, you can explore viable treatment options.

Understanding Hair Loss

Before you run to your doctor for answers, know that it’s completely normal for people to lose, on average, 100 hairs per day. This type of hair loss is part of the natural life cycle of hair and does not result in noticeable thinning, as baby hairs grow in while older hairs fall out. “Hair loss” occurs when new hairs do not replace the lost ones.

Hair loss can occur gradually over time, or it can happen abruptly. For instance, hormonal changes may cause clumps of hair to fall out at once, while hereditary hair loss may take place over several years. Regardless of the cause, a high-performance stimulating shampoo, such as Revita, can help stimulate hair growth quickly after hair loss.

Common (And Not So Common) Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons, ranging from genetics to stress to hormonal changes. Below are a few triggers to explore:

  • Genetics: Family history is the most common cause of hair loss. In fact, hereditary hair loss has its own name: Male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. Both types of loss occur gradually and as one ages. Hereditary hair loss also occurs in a specific pattern. For instance, a man might lose hair in a horseshoe pattern, while a woman’s hair may begin to thin at the top of the scalp. Individuals who worry about hereditary hair loss can stave off “the inevitable” with Spectral.DNC-N, an innovative topical treatment that helps follicles maintain maximum health and strength at every stage of the hair growth cycle.

  • Supplements and Medications: Hair loss is a side effect of several drugs. Medications used to treat cancer, depression, arthritis, heart conditions, high blood pressure and gout commonly result in moderate to severe hair loss. Some birth controls also result in thinning.

  • Hormonal Changes and Medical Conditions: Fluctuations in hormones due to thyroid conditions, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause has been known to cause temporary and permanent hair loss. Patchy hair loss may be the result of certain medical conditions, such as ringworm and alopecia areata.

  • Stress: Stress or an emotionally traumatizing event can trigger hair loss. Fortunately, this type of loss is only temporary. You can speed up the regrowth process with a hair growth stimulating shampoo, such as Revita, which also happens to cut down on hair loss due to stress.

  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy to the head may scar the follicles and make it difficult for them to produce healthy hair in the future.

  • Hair Treatments and Styling: Damaging hair treatments, such as heat treatment and coloring, can result in hair loss. So, too, can wearing the hair in tight ponytails, cornrows or other styles that pull tightly at the follicles.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Hair loss happens differently for everyone. For some, it appears suddenly. For others, it happens over time. Some types of loss occur in patterns, while other types occur in patches. How quickly and in what way you lose your hair depends on the cause. However, you should consult with your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Gradual Thinning: Gradual hair loss is the most common type of hair loss and is usually the result of male or female pattern baldness. As you age, you may notice that your hair line begins to recede, or that the hair at the crown of your head is thinner than it was before. Women often notice a broadening of their parts. If you notice any of these symptoms, the solution may be as simple as investing in a growth-stimulating shampoo and conditioner, and possibly a topical treatment.

  • Patchy or Circular Bald Spots: This type of hair loss is less common than gradual thinning and occurs in strange patterns. For instance, you may notice small, dime-sized bald spots on your head, or you may lose hair in your beard or eyebrows. This type of hair loss is often characterized by itching and discomfort.

  • Full-Body Hair Loss: Full-body hair loss is most common for individuals undergoing certain medical treatments. For instance, chemotherapy often causes full-body hair loss. The hair usually grows back once treatment is complete.

  • Scaly Patches: If, following the loss of patches of hair, you notice that your scalp is scaly, itchy, red and swollen, you may have ringworm. Your doctor or dermatologist can provide a prescription topical treatment to treat the condition. Revita tablets can help speed up the hair regeneration process.

  • Sudden Loosening of Hair: You may notice that your hair doesn’t necessarily fall out in patches, but that it appears “looser” than before. When you tug, brush or wash your hair, more comes out than is normal. This may be the result of stress, hormonal changes or a thyroid condition. Consult with your doctor to pinpoint the cause and determine the appropriate treatment.

Though normal, hair loss almost always comes with feelings of dread, fear and discouragement. Fortunately, the loss doesn’t have to be permanent. With aggressive treatment and innovative products, you can stop hair loss and even reverse it. DS Laboratories products are designed to generate hair growth and help individuals sustain strong, healthy locks. Shop our catalogue today to enjoy a full head of healthy hair once more.




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