Do Hair Loss Shampoos Work to Stop Hair Loss?

Do Hair Loss Shampoos Work to Stop Hair Loss?

If you are struggling with hair loss, you have likely researched several treatment options. From medications and topical solutions to diet changes and hair transplants, there are many different strategies you can try.


Before you try more extreme measures like a hair transplant, you may be interested in using a shampoo system to curb your losses. Yet, many people wonder if hair loss shampoos do work to stop hair loss. Could it really be that simple? Let’s find out.

What You Need to Know about Hair Loss

Hair loss can feel like a lonely journey. However, it affects more people than you may think. Two-thirds of men will struggle with hair loss at some point in their lives.


And, women make up 40% of all cases of hair loss. So, even though you may feel like you are the only person self-conscious about a receding hairline or thinning part line, know that you are not alone.


The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia - a condition that tends to run in families and is most likely caused by an increased sensitivity to DHT. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen (or male sex hormone). It is a derivative of testosterone and is responsible for the development of male sex characteristics such as body hair. However, it can also cause hair loss earlier in your life.


Some people have an increased sensitivity to DHT, especially when it attaches to receptors on your hair follicles in your scalp. When it binds to cells in your hair follicle, it can cause them to shrink and eventually stop growing.


Of course, there are other causes of hair loss aside from androgenic alopecia. Both men and women may experience hair loss because of:


  • Hormones
  • Stress
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Illnesses and infection
  • Skin conditions


One condition that nearly everyone will encounter at some point in their lives is telogen effluvium. This condition is caused by a highly stressful or traumatic event that causes a large portion of your hair to shift from the growing phase to the resting phase. Examples of stressors that may induce telogen effluvium are childbirth, surgery, loss of a loved one, or a significant life change. While this type of hair loss is rarely permanent, it can take a long time for your hair to regrow to its original thickness.

What Are Hair Loss Shampoos?

If you have been battling hair loss for some time, you have probably encountered various shampoos that claim to prevent hair loss. Surprisingly, there are few shampoos on the market that are able to treat hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia.


Usually, shampoos that are effective at helping with hair restoration are designed to treat scalp infections like seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, psoriasis, or ringworm. These shampoos tend to have some antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat these conditions that have resulted in hair loss. However, most “hair thickening” or “hair regrowth” shampoos are missing key ingredients that thoroughly treat scalp conditions and restore hair to your head. And few can suppress the activity of DHT at the follicular level.

What Ingredients Are Necessary in Hair Regrowth Shampoos?

Reading the ingredients label on just about anything is a challenge, to say the least. And, when it comes to hair care and beauty products, it is even harder to deduce what certain ingredients are and why they are necessary. (Of course, many ingredients are not essential and are even damaging.)


Here is a look at the active ingredients you should look for in a shampoo that stops hair loss and promote hair growth.


  • Caffeine: You need caffeine in your shampoo products to reverse the actions of DHT in your scalp. Caffeine prolongs the anagen (growing) phase of the hair growth cycle and increases blood circulation in the scalp.


  • Ketoconazole: This antifungal medication has been clinically proven time and again to fight fungal colonization on your scalp. One of the main fungi that can proliferate on your scalp is Malassezia. When Malassezia becomes overgrown, it can lead to inflammation, which eventually leads to hair loss. Most intriguingly, ketoconazole is also clinically proven to prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is huge when it comes to stopping androgenic alopecia in its tracks.


  • Biotin: You likely have heard of this B-complex vitamin in your search for natural solutions for hair growth. Indeed, biotin is one of the building blocks necessary for healthy hair. People with hair loss often struggle with fragile and brittle hair prone to breakage, dryness, and shedding.


  • EUK134: Few products use EUK134 because it is costly, but this self-regenerating molecule has powerful antioxidant properties that round up superoxide free radicals. Shampoos that contain antioxidants can boost the health of your hair and scalp.


  • Procyanidin B2 (Apple Extract): Unripe apple skins contain this potent antioxidant the protects your cells against free radicals. Clinical studies have found that people who consistently use products with procyanidin B2 have an 80% increase in their hair diameter and an increase in the number of hairs on their heads. An added benefit? There are no unwanted side effects to get this desirable outcome.


  • Taurine: As the most abundant amino acid in the body, taurine plays an essential role in keratin production, which is the main protein that makes up our hair. Taurine makes the hair shafts stronger, especially when DHT tries to weaken and shrink the hair.


  • Rooibos tea: Along with boosting your hair growth and preventing hair loss, rooibos gives incredible shine and adds moisture to your locks.

Are Thickening Shampoos the Same as Hair Loss Shampoos?

You may have stumbled upon thickening shampoos in your search for hair regrowth solutions. Thickening shampoos do not treat hair loss. But, they can make your hair look fuller over time.


Usually, thickening shampoos contain ingredients that fight pollutants and irritants that can collect in your hair and penetrate deep within your scalp when they build up. Thickening shampoos aim to keep your hair clean and hydrated, which can make it look, well, thicker.


However, thickening shampoos do not treat hair loss. So, if you have a condition that causes hair loss, like androgenic alopecia or seborrheic dermatitis, thickening shampoos will not help you for very long. Unfortunately, these shampoos may even mask hair loss, which can prevent you from tackling your hair loss early on. Early action is essential when you are fighting male- and female-pattern hair loss.  

So, Do Hair Loss Shampoos Work to Stop Hair Loss?

Well, the answer is yes and no. If a shampoo product contains the above ingredients, hair loss shampoos do stop hair loss, and can even support hair regrowth. However, if they do not contain ingredients that fight the very causes of hair loss (inflammation, DHT, infection, etc.), you will not get the results you desire.


Whether it is hormones, stress, genetics, or aging, most of us will encounter some form of hair loss in our lives. Therefore, using good hair care products is always essential. Indeed, the wrong shampoo products can damage your hair and scalp and cause you to lose hair despite your best efforts to maintain it.


Ready to find a hair loss shampoo that actually works to stop hair loss and is suitable for all hair types? Shop the REVITA High-Performance Hair Stimulating Shampoo and Conditioner system.  

Our Line of Hair Stimulating Shampoo

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