Can Depression Be A Cause of Hair Loss? Here Are 5 Things To Do About It

Can Depression Be A Cause of Hair Loss? Here Are 5 Things To Do About It

Hair loss is one situation that many of us would love to do without, but it’s a common problem. Imagine waking up one day and realizing that your hair is thinning out or isn’t as lush and full as it used to be. Let’s not even get started on receding hairlines.


There are many reasons why anyone would experience hair loss, and it’s been said that depression is one of the culprits. Although there’s no direct evidence to back up the claim that depression causes hair loss, there are incidences and occurrences that have made people believe that this mental state can cause hair loss. People suffering from depression might notice that their hair is getting brittle, dry, and some might even experience hair breakage.


Basically, the feelings of depression, such as low self-esteem, low mood, fatigue, discouragement, etc., can reduce the hair growth stage and cause hair loss. Also, some people use anti-depressants which might have side effects, one of which is hair loss. It works both ways, too – hair loss can also lead to low self-esteem, loss of self-confidence, and so on, all of which can contribute to depression. This is common in women since hair is closely linked to their femininity, sexuality, and identity.

Five Things To Do About Depression-Related Hair Loss

Anyone suffering from hair loss due to depression can always bounce back from it. It doesn’t have to be a permanent experience for you. Here are things you can do to handle depression-related hair loss.

Consult a Doctor

Although depression might cause hair loss, we can’t completely rule out the fact that there might be an underlying health condition contributing to it. Some physical health issues can lead to hair loss, such as poor nutrition and sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, to be certain of what could really be the cause, it is advised that you consult your doctor. It would be wrong to assume that you know the reason behind your hair loss. You might find out that your hair loss is simply as a result of genetics, or it could simply be a part of the natural aging process.

Consult a Professional Stylist

Some hairstylists are great at covering up the obvious signs of hair loss. This they do by cutting or styling your hair in a way that your receding hairlines or thinning areas can’t be seen. They will also recommend products to help restore your hair, such as tinted powders, hair-boosting gels, and shampoos, etc. In fact, you might have to start wearing wigs to protect your natural hair. Find a stylist that’s trained for situations like this, and consult them.

Visit a Therapist

Hair loss and depression can affect many things, from your mental health to your relationships. If that’s the case, you might want to consider visiting a therapist to talk things out. It helps. These people have been trained to listen to you without being judgmental, and they will definitely help you overcome whatever feelings of depression that hair loss must have brought on. If you aren’t comfortable talking to a therapist, you can talk to someone you trust. It could be a friend, family member, or spouse. It doesn’t matter who it is; ensure you find someone to talk to. Feelings are best dealt with when they are faced head-on.

Take Care of Your Hair

Yes, now would be a good time to pay special attention to your hair. Don’t let stress and depression stop you from doing what needs to be done to get back your full and lush hair. Use the right shampoo like REVITA High-Performance Hair Stimulating Shampoo to promote scalp stimulation and prevent stress-induced hair loss. You can also take hair loss medication, and you can try REVITA Nutraceutical Tablets For Hair Growth Support and back this up with multivitamin supplements. Do what needs to be done to get your hair back.

Remind Yourself that You Can Always Get Your Hair Back

Hair loss caused by mental issues like depression, anxiety, and stress is usually temporary. This means your hair can always grow out once you get over anything that’s bothering you. Sometimes, medications and treatments can have side effects such as hair loss, and it will end once you stop the treatments. Constantly remind yourself of this to have something to look forward to.


Overall, as you try to battle depression-induced hair loss, try as much as possible not to do anything that will worsen the situation. Avoid wearing your hair in tight styles, and don’t put too many chemicals in your hair. Instead, ensure you do things to make your hair healthy – eat the right foods, massage your scalp, use the correct hair products. Depression-induced hair loss is nothing but a passing phase.

Fortify Your Hair Against Depression-Induced Hair Loss

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