6 Men's Hairstyles for Thinning Hair in Front

6 Men's Hairstyles for Thinning Hair in Front

In this article:

  • Hairstyles for thinning hair in front
  • How to get a good look for you
  • Don't rely on a hairstyle to fix your hair loss.

A receding hairline can surely make you frustrated with your appearance. And unless you take proactive steps to stop hair loss, your hairline will likely continue to retract back on your scalp. With that said, there are several ways you can conceal thinning hair in the front while you are trying to stop it, and the best way to do that is with a good hairstyle. Below are 6 fantastic male hairstyles for thinning hair in front.

Hairstyles for Thinning Hair in Front

#1 The Mop-Top

Longer hair is on-trend right now for men, and fortunately, it is a perfect style to conceal a receding hairline. A mop-top is where your hair falls nearly to your eyebrows, and it can pull from farther back on your scalp. Therefore, if you lack hair along your hairline, you can still make it look like you have a full head of hair by growing longer locks from the top of your scalp. You can tailor this haircut to be as long or as short as you like, and the messier you let it become, the better.


Of course, if you are not a fan of longer hairstyles or hair that may fall around your eyes, this style may not be for you. Luckily, other shorter styles may be a perfect match.

#2 The Faux Hawk

Faux hawks are an excellent way to draw the eye toward the center of your scalp. Because hair is thicker along the middle of your scalp, it takes attention away from what is lacking on your hairline. And, if your hair is thinner there, it can also make it look more voluminous by bringing it all together along the top of your head.  


Faux hawks can be shorter or longer in length - it really depends on what you like and what you can grow. You will need to use some hair products to keep your hair in place with this style.

#3 The Comb-Over

Comb-overs aren't just for your grandpa. This hairstyle is timeless when styled correctly and can be worn in either shorter or longer lengths. However, if you have thinning on the crown of your head along with thinning hair in the front, this may not be the most ideal hair cut for you, as it can be challenging to find enough hair to conceal thinning in both areas.


On a slight variation of the comb-over, you can also opt for the slicked-back (or combed-back) look, which can draw the eyes away from your hairline if you keep the sides short and the top longer.

#4 The Short High-Fade

A high fade allows you to manipulate how your hairline appears. Ideally best for men in the early stages of a receding hairline, this hairstyle is very short on the sides and then tapers as it nears the crown of your head. The higher you do your fade, the more striking it will be, causing the eye to train on the top and sides of your head instead of your hairline.

#5 The Buzz Cut

Don't hesitate to have a professional give you a buzz if you want to draw attention away from your hairline. The short length of a buzz can make the difference between where you have hair and where you are lacking much less noticeable. Indeed, it gets rid of the contrast between the two areas.


A buzz cut is also a great haircut for gents who struggle with hair thinning elsewhere on their heads. This cut can be a win-win for those with hair thinning in multiple areas of the scalp.

#6 The Crew Cut

A crew cut is one of the most tried and true looks for all men, but it can be especially effective at concealing thinning hair in front. A crew cut can give you a straight, even hairline with its structured lines. With shorter sides and a slightly longer top, you can also create the illusion that you have more going on around your crown if you are experiencing thinning there as well.

How To Get a Good Look for You

There is something to be said for a really good haircut. So, if you are already struggling with hair thinning and are not sure how to wear your hair to conceal your losses, make sure to meet with a professional stylist - ideally one that has experience in working with men who have hair loss.


Aside from getting a professional haircut, using the right styling products can also help you get the look you want while also thickening the appearance of your hair. Your hairstylist is the best person to talk to about what products are best for you to use to style your hair.

Don’t Rely on a Hairstyle To Fix Your Hair Loss

But, perhaps the most important takeaway is right here: your hairstyle can conceal hair loss, but it won't stop it. You will most likely lose more hair as the months progress, so it is essential you take proactive steps to keep the hair you do have and encourage new hair growth.


Most men will benefit from topical hair loss treatments in the early to middle stages of hair loss. Of course, the sooner you start combatting hair loss, the better. Most causes of hair loss in men are due to androgenic alopecia. This condition is linked to your genes and is spurred by an increased sensitivity to a derivative of testosterone.


Hair loss from this condition is tough to treat, but the right products can help make a significant difference and even cause your hair to regrow. Here are some items to put in your toolkit to fight hair loss:


  • Revita Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Spectral.DNC-N (with 5% Nanoxidil)
  • Revita Tablets for Hair Growth Support
  • StimuROLLER Micro-needle Hair Stimulation System

Try DS Laboratories Products Today

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