5 Tips To Get The Perfect Beard

5 Tips To Get The Perfect Beard

Beards have become a thing, and we think they are here to stay. In the aftermath of stay-at-home orders for the COVID-19 pandemic, many men wisely used their time at home to grow their beards. Unfortunately, beard growing isn't always easy or straightforward for every guy, and many guys struggle to develop the facial hair they desire. But don't stress: with the right steps, you can get a beard that makes you proud. Here are 5 tips to getting the perfect beard for guys who are struggling with beard growth.

Tip #1 – Fill In the Patchy Spots

If you can grow at least some facial hair, you are likely frustrated that there are some hairless spots. Having bare areas can make your beard look sparse and scraggly. But, there are several things you can do to quicken your growth time as well as fill in those pesky bare areas.


Firstly, use a beard growth serum like SPECTRAL.BRD to help you get even coverage of your facial hair. It gives you more density and growth, and also improves the quality of your facial hair.


Secondly, consider using a dermaroller designed for your face. Dermarollers provide micro-needling stimulation to bring oxygen and nutrients to areas you would like to see increased hair growth. Using a device like the StimuROLLER can not only encourage hair growth but also repairs damaged skin from acne scarring, aging, and sun damage.

Targeted Hair Growth Stimulation

Tip #2 – Train Your Beard

Beard hair is comprised of very different hair than that which grows on your scalp. Facial hair is terminal hair, which is thick, coarse, and pigmented. Terminal hair generally grows in puberty when androgen levels increase and as people mature. This hair type is the same as you likely have in your armpits and on your chest and groin area. But, because it is more coarse and thick, it can be tough to manipulate it to lay the way you want. Therefore, you will need to spend time training it to go the direction you want.


If you want it to lay flat or go a specific direction, you may have to use a styling gel to help force it into place and keep it there. Using styling gel on your beard may seem odd, but if you use the right product, it can be very light and not noticeable. The REVITA High-Performace Styling Gel can be used on both your hair and beard and provides you hold without flaking or greasing. What is more, it also contains ingredients that help boost hair growth, so you can help your beard come in faster and thicker, all while styling it.

Tip #3 - Shampoo Your Beard

Believe it or not, you do need to wash your beard, and it is just fine to use shampoo for this part of your grooming. Regular washing helps clear away oils that can block pores and removes dirt, debris, and dead skin cells. By keeping your beard and skin clean, you can encourage hair to grow.


If your goal is to have a thicker beard, you may want to use a shampoo that includes ingredients that encourage hair growth like:


  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • Procyanidin B2
  • Ketoconazole
  • Niacinamide
  • TriCopper peptides
  • Biotin
  • Cysteine


You can find all of these growth-boosting ingredients and more in the REVITA shampoo line.

Try The Revita Shampoo Line

Tip #4 - Keep It Trimmed

Pulling out your beard grooming kit is an integral part of achieving the perfect beard. Whether you have a few patches of hair or a full beard, trimming is key to keeping your hair from tangling and looking scraggly. Not to mention, it also makes it easier to clean and gives you a fresh look and feel.


It is best to avoid giving yourself harsh lines on your facial hair. Also, if you are a novice at grooming facial hair, use the biggest guard on your clippers to begin with, so you don't trim off too much hair at once. You can always cut off more if it's longer than you prefer after your first attempt.


Also, many barbers recommend going shorter around the chin area so it doesn't look so pronounced with longer hair elongating this area.


If you are new to having a beard, let it grow for a while first, and then consider seeing a specialty barber who can help you shape your beard and give you some first-hand tips on how to maintain it.

Tip #5 – Don’t Forget Your Eyebrows

Alright, gents, this may seem a little bit out there, but when you place so much focus on your facial hair around your mouth and cheeks, it is easy to forget to groom your brows. Eyes are usually one of the first things people look at when they see another person. And, your eyes happen to be framed by your eyebrows. So, don't let other people's eyes stray to your mismanaged brows.


Groom your brows whenever you perform maintenance on your beard. That means trimming them regularly, removing hair between your brows, and make sure you don't have bare patches. If you do have bare spots, you can fill them in using a brow serum that contains Nanoxidil like the SPECTRAL.BROW. This serum is non-irritating and helps hair grow back into your brows, making them thicker and denser. This serum can also make them longer if you are going for a fuller look.


Now that you have some tips for getting the perfect beard, it's time to take action. First, get the products you need to have a perfect beard, then consider learning some inside tips from your barber on how to shape your beard.

Take Your Beard To The Next Level

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