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5 Reasons Why Men Start to Lose Hair

5 Reasons Why Men Start to Lose Hair

It's no secret that hair loss is a sensitive subject for men. It can be a source of great anxiety and insecurity. Losing one's hair can be a traumatic experience, one that can have a serious impact on a man's self-esteem.


Men begin to experience hair loss at a certain point for several reasons. It is a common sign of aging, and genetics can affect the rate and abundance of hair growth over time.


But sometimes, the causes of hair loss are preventable, even for men. If you are a man who is struggling with excess hair loss, it is best to determine the underlying reasons why this is happening. Once you know what is causing it, you can seek the treatment you need.


Here are five preventable causes of hair loss in men:

Medical Issues

Thyroid problems, anemia, and skin infections can cause hair loss in men.


Certain skin conditions, such as folliculitis and scalp infections, are more likely to lead to hair loss. Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles that can cause redness, itchiness, and pain. If the follicles are severely damaged, they may no longer be able to produce hair.


If you are experiencing hair loss, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical problems. Treating the underlying medical issue will mitigate shedding and even improve hair growth.


It is well-documented that stress can cause many physical and mental health problems. But did you know that stress can also cause hair loss in men and women? Stress can even lead to male pattern baldness.

So how does this happen? When you're stressed, your body produces a hormone called cortisol. This hormone can attack the hair follicles and prevent them from growing. Over time, this can lead to thinning hair and shedding.

To manage hair loss due to stress, explore relaxation techniques such as massage, yoga, and meditation. These can induce calm in the body and limit the effects of stress.


Grooming Methods

One often overlooked factor of hair loss is grooming. Bad grooming habits can lead to shedding, so evaluate what you do each day. Are you using too much heat or chemicals in your hair? Are you brushing or combing your hair too vigorously?


Certain hairstyles can cause hair breakage and even lead to a receding hairline. Dreadlocks, tight ponytails, buns, and weaves can damage hair follicles and lead to bald patches.


If you think your hair grooming habits may be causing hair loss, make some changes to see if they help. Use less heat and chemicals on your hair, and be gentle when brushing or combing it. You may also want to try using a different type of brush or comb.


If you make these changes and still observe excessive hair loss, it may be time to see a doctor.

Poor Nutrition

There is growing evidence that poor nutrition is a significant cause of hair loss in men. A study found that a deficiency in certain nutrients, such as zinc, iron, vitamin B12, fatty acids, and folic acid, is likely to cause hair loss.


Supplements that contain these vital nutrients can prevent premature graying and shedding. And though there is not yet enough medical research to conclude that these nutrients will definitely impact hair growth, nutritionists say that a diet that severely lacks them can lead to malnutrition and adverse effects on overall health.


If you are concerned about hair loss, be sure to eat a balanced diet and talk to your doctor about any nutrient deficiencies you may have.


Environmental Toxins

Toxins in the environment can also contribute to hair loss. Studies have shown that exposure to certain chemicals can damage hair follicles. Additionally, research suggests that toxins can disrupt the production of testosterone, which is essential for healthy hair growth.

These harmful toxins can be found in chemicals at home or in the surroundings. Batteries contain cadmium and copper, while arsenic and mercury can be present in the water we drink and the food we eat.

Exposure to toxins can have a negative impact on hair growth and overall health. Avoid exposure to toxins as much as possible—stay away from industrial areas, only use natural products, and practice good food preparation habits to remove toxins in certain ingredients.



If you are a man who is dealing with hair loss, it is vital to seek support and medical advice to determine the root cause of your symptoms.

Though hair loss is an expected part of aging, it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to prevent it from happening. Sometimes excessive hair loss is preventable or reversible by making simple lifestyle changes.

Consult your physician and discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing. Your hair will love you for it!




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