4 Natural DHT Blockers That Can Help with Hair Loss

4 Natural DHT Blockers That Can Help with Hair Loss

If you have gone down the rabbit hole of trying to find solutions for your hair loss, you probably have stumbled across natural DHT blockers. One of the biggest known culprits behind hair loss is a sensitivity to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that likely spurs from your genetics. Often, DHT sensitivity travels in families, which is why you often see men and women of the same family struggle with hair loss. So, when weighing your options for suppressing hair loss, it’s likely you considered using natural DHT blockers. Yet, it is tough to know which ones are legitimate and which ones...aren’t so much. Here’s the rundown on natural DHT blockers that may help with hair loss, followed by what you should do to treat your hair loss.


Yes! Caffeine is an effective natural DHT blocker. But before you go chug your morning, late morning, midday, and afternoon coffee, there are some things you need to know. Firstly, several studies confirm that caffeine does help extend the anagen phase (the growing phase) of the hair growth cycle. This means that you keep the hair on your head for longer, and it has more potential to grow in length. More specifically, caffeine inhibits follicular testosterone and stimulates cell proliferation of dermal fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and dermal papillae). The reason why you may want to cool it on the caffeine intake (aside from other health risks of too much caffeine) is the research is inconclusive if caffeine alone is sufficient for stopping hair loss. Plus, caffeine absorbed through your digestive tract is likely not as effective as caffeine applied to your head.


The best way to use caffeine for hair loss is to use a topical hair growth product where caffeine is one of its primary ingredients. It works wonders in conjunction with 5% Nanoxidil, which is used in cutting-edge hair loss products like Spectral.DNC-N and Spectral.CSF.


Known as the hair vitamin, biotin has been well-studied for its role in supporting a healthy head of hair. Also known as vitamin H, biotin is a nutrient that we get from our diet. It helps us make energy and supports the functions of the liver, skin, eyes, and nervous system. Pregnant women also need to take this vitamin to support healthy fetal growth. Some research shows it may even help regulate blood sugar. But, how does it affect your hair?


Biotin plays a key role in supporting keratin, the protein that makes up your hair. Studies show that it helps with hair regrowth, but it is unclear if it helps block DHT. Nonetheless, people who take biotin daily show less shedding, more hair growth in areas where hair has been lost.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Some research suggests an amino acid in pumpkin seed oil may inhibit DHT. The available research largely looks at how to reduce enlarged prostates (which are often the result of DHT sensitivity). Yet, we know that DHT sensitivity can also cause hair loss, so a few small studies have looked at if pumpkin seed oil capsules can help suppress hair loss and encourage growth in people with androgenic alopecia.


Before you start taking pumpkin seed oil capsules, know that the research on this natural DHT blocker is limited and probably is best tried when using another type of hair loss treatment such as 5% Nanoxidil.

Rosemary Oil

Like pumpkin seed oil, the research is promising on rosemary oil. However, studies have been quite small in sample size. Nonetheless, men with androgenic alopecia who used rosemary oil daily saw marked improvement in their hair loss. Furthermore, there are suggestions that rosemary oil may even be effective against one of the hardest hair loss conditions to manage - alopecia areata.


But, before you start applying rosemary oil each day, remember that there are very limited and small studies showing this works, and hair loss is something you want to treat right away. Thus, waiting to see results from something that may not be as tried and true as another treatment form may set you back.

Should You Try a Natural DHT Blocker?

Many people are wary of trying oral medication to help with hair regrowth. One of the most common medications used to combat hair loss is finasteride. This medication is known as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, which is the pharmaceutical term for DHT blocker. Primarily, it helps treat hyperplasia or overgrowth of the prostate gland. People often use it to help decrease the prostate, so it is easier to urinate. However, it also has effects on follicular testosterone, so it can suppress hair loss as well.


Regrettably, finasteride is only recommended for men in most cases, and it also comes with some not-so-pleasant side effects like erectile dysfunction. Additionally, once you stop taking this medication, you can be sure that your hair loss with pick back up again. Thus, natural DHT blockers seem much more appealing, but these are not a cure-all either.


Hair loss is usually a progressive problem, meaning that it gets worse with time. It also is harder to restore hair loss the longer you let it go untreated. Therefore, early action with the right tools is key to stopping your losses and getting your hair back. Because the research is limited on whether most of these work solo to help reduce hair fallout, it is best to use natural remedies in conjunction with other known DHT blockers.

What Is the Best Option for Men and Women With Hair Loss?

Every person is different, so what works for one doesn’t always work for another. However, based on our clinical results at DS Laboratories, we know that a combination of natural DHT blockers and 5% Nanoxidil, the cutting-edge alternative to minoxidil, is powerful against early to moderate hair loss from conditions like male and female pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia). It even combats some of the peskiest forms of hair loss, including vertex and hairline balding.


You can find 5% Nanoxidil in combination with other ingredients like caffeine, adenosine, retinol, azelaic acid, and copper tripeptide-1 in the Spectral product line, which is a gentle non-greasy everyday solution that helps with hair regrowth. Using a formulation like this every day, coupled with the REVITA shampoo and conditioner system that also attacks hair loss with each wash, can help restore the hair on your head.

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